CFOA Announcements
Good evening, everyone,
I wanted to reach out to everyone to say it has been an honor and pleasure to have served as your President for the past 10 plus years. We as an association have made great progress, your BOD has been instrumental in reviewing / creating and modifying our processes and goals to keep us leading the way for all associations. You as members continue to share your thoughts and ideas to also assist us in growing, maintaining our claim to the “best association” of all.
I appreciate each of you for what you “bring to the table” (game) each and every year. Some point out the good, some point out the changes needed, and some just remind us to keep pushing forward. All views are important but obviously we need to identify what is best overall for the association.
I have been contemplating this for a little while now, it was a difficult decision, but I feel and believe it is time for fresh eyes and thoughts for my position, again it was a difficult decision. I will complete my term and as our policy is written will remain involved as the Past President on the BOD and to assist the new President.
I would encourage anyone who is interested in the position and is dedicated to the CFOA to indicate when the email goes out asking for you to respond.
Please remember the President role:
As posted in By-Laws:
- It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all membership meetings of the CFOA, to execute all rules and regulations which pertain to the CFOA’s business or organization, and to assure the association is operating within all FHSAA or other sanctioning body guidelines, rules and regulations. He/She shall make such appointments, with the concurrence of the Board of Directors, as deemed necessary for the good of the organization. He/She shall serve as ex-officio member of all committees. He/She shall preside at the meetings of the Board of Directors.
- The President shall have the authority to call a General Membership or Board of Directors meeting.
General Responsibilities:
- Presiding over the Board of Directors Meetings
- Work in conjunction with and/or oversee the activities of the BOD to ensure the active participation and communication of the CFOA is transparent.
- Work as liaison coordinate/disseminate information from FHSAA to respective Vice-President(s) and follow up as necessary to ensure completion of such information
- Review CFOA website (in conjunction with Vice-Presidents) to ensure required information, general information and key dates are consistently updated (Registration Date for State, Training Dates, Exam Dates, State Clinic(s) date(s), Date of Season start, Playoff Dates)
- Work in conjunction with the Treasurer as needed regarding any financial matters.
- Work in conjunction with the Secretary to create and sign necessary CFOA Athletic Contracts for our schools
- Work in conjunction with the Secretary to ensure proper communication with CFOA members.
- Liaison to all our client schools as needed. (Attend county meetings with respective Vice-President(s)/Booking Officer(s) as requested)
- Coordinate presentation and preside over the Annual Meeting (Location, Date, and Time), ensure proper notification is sent by Secretary to CFOA members.
- Serve as ex-officio member of all committees.
Remember this position (and the BOD) is in place to serve the members of the CFOA therefore attendance of meetings/functions and availability to the members is critical to success.
In addition, I believe strongly that it is a servant leadership role that is:
* to keep the BOD together moving in a positive direction while allowing new ideas and maintaining our history and integrity to what we have done and will do moving forward. To be a sounding board for all sports and processes and the consistency in operating while remembering that ultimately each sport is responsible for their unique processes.
To serve the:
* Our Clients (the Schools and Student Athletes)
* Our Members by doing what is best for all three (3) and considering the long-term impact on our decisions.
In summary I have thoroughly enjoyed (most of the time) my role and hopefully have served you, the members well.
One of my favorite statements:
“Let no one seek his own, but for each one the others wellbeing”
Thank you all again for allowing me to serve you.
See you on the court/field,
Allen Cramer
President CFOA (for now)
The latest Executive Board Meeting minutes are now available.
Sports Announcements:
Volleyball Announcements
Boy's Volleyball season begins in March. The schedule will soon be fully assigned.
Flag Football Announcements
Basketball Announcements
Tackle Football Announcements
SAVE THE DATES: Training Classes, Field Clinics and Mike Goodspeed Weekend dates have been announced.
Other Announcements
Officials Calendar at a Glance
Central Florida Officials Association Emergency Action Plan Mechanics and Procedures
The CFOA at the direction of the FHSAA has developed mechanics for officials to use in the event of a brawl on the field or in the stands or other threats that may occur once the officials have entered the field and until the referee declares the game over. Members, please read this plan.
Announcements were last updated
2/28/25 at 9:39 AM
For older announcements see the MEMBERS NEWS page.
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